
Tiiiime is on my side

The way some things change. :)

I stopped to leave space for a driver in the center lane who wanted to turn left through a long line of cars.

A dog floated by, ears flapping out the window. For a few seconds it didn't register, then I saw it like a replay.

Lois smiling and waving before plunging into the turn.

I laughed so hard that I felt like I would break in half.



He was on the sidewalk behind the dorm today, using a wooden stick to shoot nuthins.

Kids make me stoked about life.


Yes, We Have Communication Problems But in This Case You Would Be Justified in Calling Me Cruel

We feast on our atrocities
And even silence is a thief
We vandalize our dignity
And speak in knives like enemies
I felled you like a giving tree
Don't read it like a tragedy
Don't be surprised at suffering
And please don't turn those eyes on me

Proverbs 12:18   Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.