

69) Courtney fiddles around with other people's stuff in their absence.
70) Courtney and Kelly listen to me babble... reasonably often.
71) According to the Onion, Kansas has outlawed the "practice of evolution".
72) Tumble Bees is still an amazing game.
73) Roce. adj. 1. Uncomfortable, sticky. 2. (esp. of weather) Humid, warm, wet.
74) The top of Jordan's head always smells the same. It's a lot of fun to kiss.
75) Mother corrects herself when she uses "fun" as an adjective.
76) Kelly and Courtney really like Disney movies.
77) Karleigh is growing up.
78) So am I.
79) I like haiku. (I became aware of that yesterday.)
80) Matt Ford bringing the puzzle page of the paper into World Lit and pretending not to like the Jumble so that I can do it = good times.
81) Justin hangs out with B Martin.
82) My family were glad to see me on Thanksgiving break.
83) When one dresses a cat in a small sweater, it will suddenly lose its motivation to do anything but slink and sit awkwardly.
84) Mother makes our house welcoming by keeping it clean, lighting candles, and playing music.
85) For all practical purposes, Kelly's mom has an entire wall composed of necklaces she beaded herself. Oh yes. And they're organized by color.
86) Elijah Wood makes a really convincing, annoying Yasha, but Alan Rickman makes a really COOL Yepihodov.


The malevolent beast

I noticed something: Not only am I critical of myself, but I also criticize myself for being critical of myself. I then criticize myself for that criticism.

This cannot continue.



51) Kelly appreciates the sweet, sweet appeal of tiny photos.
52) She also keeps me up, talking, at night.
53) Simba smells just like China.
54) I can have a good conversation with a friend who isn't even old yet. And I do.
55) Court asked for John Golden's thoughts about Plato, and he replied, "It dries up."
56) Knitting is so satisfying, for some reason.
57) Only about 35 more days are between Brayden and me.
58) I figured out how to like my handwriting.
59) Jenny's gonna sing at Celebrate Recovery with Justin and Mother!
60) My mother enjoys her life.
61) Get Fuzzy is such a cute comic.
62) Also enjoyable is drawing makeup on pictures of male celebrities.
63) Jeremy used to have long hair. (This is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to #62.)
64) After we first read it, I kept misspelling "Odyssey".
65) Few things feel so incredible or look so ridiculous as a good stretch.
66) I get to brush my teeth every day.
67) Jordan's teacher says he's respectful toward both students and adults, and gentle.
68) Dad is so proud of Jordan.


I'm more of a hugger

I decided that my bowling name is "Hugs and Kisses", because for whatever reason, I get mostly X's and 0's.

Well, probably more 0's than X's.

I don't like the way I'm forced to use those apostrophes, but we can't have everything, can we?