In which I don't do very much between church services and evening, except sleep.
Josh Shipp: I am cool.
Students: Yes. Yes, you are.
Josh Shipp: Don't be average. Also, the guy you have a juvenile crush on is taken, Amanda.
Amanda Webb: What?
Josh Shipp: Goodbye, everyone!
(Everyone leaves.)
(Amanda Webb gets in her car with her roommates.)
Amanda Webb: So where is this place?
Courtney Jenko: Turn left.
Amanda Webb: Turn what?
Courtney Jenko: Left. Right now.
Amanda Webb: Oh, okay.
Steering wheel: Your crush is taken. He's also barely two inches taller than you.
Amanda Webb: It is my third day here, and I don't have a crush. Shut up.
(They arrive at a bowling place thingy.)
Amanda Webb: He isn't that short.
Amanda Webb's nerves: (do odd things)
Anna Weld: Roll the ball. Into the middle of the lane.
Amanda Webb: I can't. I'm not fretting; I just can't throw balls.
Anna Weld: Amanda! You're not supposed to throw it!
Amanda Webb: Yeah. ...He left! Uhm, I'm doing badly; will someone else play for me?